Monday, 26 February 2007

Finding Direction in times of transition

Dear friends,

We are on a journey of faith. It is similar to the journey of Abraham. In Hebrews 11:8, the author speaks of Abraham, stepping out and are not really knowing where he was going. Recently I spoke on the Logos 2 and on the Logos Hope and shared some simple thoughts to the teams on board about surviving in transition.

Three keys to survival in transition:

1. Live today with the end in mind. Abraham lived with the view of what God would do in the future. He saw a building, whose designer and maker was God. He saw the stars and knew that God had given a promise that his descendants would be a multitude that no one could count. The end that we hope for with the Logos Hope project is to see God's glory brought to the nations through a greater capacity to bring good new.

2. Take one step at a time. I learnt a lesson in India when driving a truck. I faced the daunting task of driving up a very high mountain through narrow roads. My team leader turned to me and said, "Mike, take one bend at a time!" I did just that and reached the destination. I also learnt that if I made a wrong turn, I needed to get back to where I went wrong and continue on the road, one bend at a time. In the same way, in the Logos Hope project, we are taking one step at a time to shape the vision of a place where thousands will find hope.

3. Fix your eyes on Jesus. At the beginning of Hebrews 12, the author speaks about fixing our eyes on Jesus. He does this after sharing the faith stories of Hebrews 11. As we look to Jesus in this project, we can see his hand in many details. We are humbled and grateful to God for his faithfulness to us in the steps that we have taken so far. The key to the future is to stay focused on Jesus!


On Logos Hope in Trogir, Croatia

Ann with Vera Zabramski who is George Verwer's PA. Vera visited us in Trogir earlier in February and she represents so many who work behind ths scenes to connect with our partners around the world. We are gateful to God for all those who have made this a possibility. Vera was a real encouragement to us. As she walked through the ship she shared, "It is amazing to see all that God has done!"

We are in Trogir, Croatia with the Logos Hope

Dear Friends,

We are serving with the Logos Hope in Croatia. Our daughter Rebecca is in Cananda and Michelle is in Australia. Both are at University. Esther is 14 and is with us here in Trogir. We are supporting the project team that is working on the Logos Hope.

Mike & Ann Hey

Mike with some guests on the LOGOS Hope

Each week we hosts visitors to the Logos Hope. It has been a thrill to share with them the story of faith in shaping the vision. Most are impressed by the size and the potential of the vessel for ministry. Some see the work that has been done and others see the work that needs to be done.

Esther and Friends

We have started a school here for the Logos Hope families. This is a special encouragement for Esther.
Children are not able to visit the Logos Hope as it is in a ship yard and not yet safe for children to visit.

Logos 2 in Split

We spent a few days on Logos2 in Split. It was a very encouaging time. We had a combined prayer meeting with the Logos 2 and Logos Hope teams. Mike spoke at a Christian leaders event on board.

This has been an important time in helping to prepare the Logos 2 community for the future.