Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Logos 2 in Malta
This week I am on board the Logos 2 in Malta. It has been an encouraging time meeting with leaders on board to help prepare for the future transitions. Tomorrow is the 29th March. On the 29th March 2004 the decision was made to purchase the Logos Hope. We were on the Doulos on that day spent the day as a community in prayer waiting before the Lord. Tomorrow we will focus in pray and praise for the way that God has provided and led us. I will share in devotions about the Love of God that has been poured into our lives through the Holy Spirt.
Saturday, 24 March 2007
Family time in Trogir
This afternoon we went for a walk together with Esther in Trogir. We met several Logos Hope people in the town. Pray that our lives will be a witness to the people of Trogir. We have many good friendships.
The Trogir foot bridge
On a Bridge in Trogir
We left Australia almost 12 months ago.This time in Trogir is like a bridge to the future. It is a time of preparation and the time when the vision is taking shape in a concrete way. Thank you for praying for us.We appreciate your partnership in these dynamic steps of faith. Our desire is to see millions impacted with the good news through the vibrant witness of the ship communities. At the heart of everything is our dependence on God in prayer and the trust in His word.
In our apartment
We try to give hospitality in the community. Each week we invite project workers to our apartment for some good food (often Curry) and fellowship
Giordanni De Carvalho
Giordanni is from Brazil. He is working as the Personnel Manager for Logos Hope. Pray that God will give us much widom as the team is built for effective ministry.
Leadership Meetings
Recently we met as a Logos Hope leadership team to continue to work on plans for the next phase of preparation for the future. Gian Walser , Dirk Clenbrander and Steve Packwood are members of the Logos Hope leadership team. Dirk is the Captain of the Logos Hope.
Friday, 23 March 2007
Pray that God will teach us His way
Our prayer for the future of this ministry is echoed in Psalm 86:11-12
"Teach me your way, oh Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name. I will praise you, oh Lord my God, with all my heart, I will glorify your name forever."
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Lunch on Logos Hope
Each lunch time on Logos Hope is in a temporary set up in the staff lounge which is located in the aft section of deck 7. Our cook Andy west and his team provide a great meal each day. I heard that the highlight for many is the lunch time meal. Not only is it a time of good eating. It is also a time of fellowship and communication. At around 1pm we have a short devotional led by a member of the team followed by a time of prayer. This is a moment for all of us to conntect with God through his word and in prayer together.
Brodo Trogir Ship yard
The Logos Hope is in the Brodo Trogir ship yard. They have built three ships alongside the Logos Hope since the Logos Hope arrived here in 2005. The work on the ship continues. From one perspective much has been done and we thank God for his faithfulness. There is still mcu to do and at this stage there are many details to be completed and then the various systems need to be commissioned through a series of tests. This highlights defects that need to be rectified. Pray for each step in these final stages of the refit to be completed successfully.
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Prayer Night
A joint prayer night with the Logos 2 and Logos Hope teams on board the Logos Hope on the 22 March, 2007. This was a significant and motivational event for all. Check out more news about the Logos Hope on
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
The Galley is taking Shape. Pray for the Sprinkler system to be completed in this area soon so the installation of the equipment can be completed.
The word gives Hope
Recently I shared a devotions based on Psalm 1 with the Logos Hope team in Trogir. We reflected on the character of leadership in the demands of the 21st century. Several words came to light.
1. Discerment about evil. We have many pressures and without discernment we may find that our actions follow the counsel of the wicked or that our viewpoint represents a secular mind disconnected from the way of God. We may even find that we sit as spectators who mock others through gossip.
2. Delight in the Law of God. This law reveals our need for grace. The character of God becomes the central influence as we submit to the word and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in His truth.
3. Dependant on the source of Life for health, growth and fruit. In the same way that the roots of the tree dig deep to draw on the stream for life and strength, we need to find depth in our realtionship with God to be strong in the face of evil. Grace is needed to sustain our growth.
4. Destiny "The Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish." Psalm 1:6. God's hand is on the way of the righteous and he will guide us through the difficulties of life.
Pray for Ann today. She has the Flu. She picked it up from Esther last week. Pray that God will heal and keep the community healthy.
Saturday, 3 March 2007
Walking through the visitor experience
Our message is in the lives of the people on board and the partners that join us to wlecome visitors on board. Our hope is that everyone will have a quality experiece of Good News that connects with them on their journey of life and leaves a lasting impression. Our desire is to build hope for real inner transformation, so that whole commuities and nations will be impacted with the Love of God. The Logos Hope project team is planning and building an environment on Deck 4 to faciltate this experience of Good News
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