Wednesday 23 January 2008

Shield & Sword

Here is one way to build effective prayer triplets. Some may need a one on one relationship with a more mature believer to see personal breakthroughs in prayer as you step in faith in this direction. Be intentional about this and put it in your diary. Make a plan to form a prayer triplet and keep going. Do not give up. If you need help find someone to talk to about it.

SHIELD – Our identity is in our relationship with Christ. This is your greatest weapon against the attacks of the enemy.

Sonship – You meet as sons and daughters (By the way, you should met with those of the same gender as you. It is the safer way) whose identity is shared in Christ.

Holy Spirit – Friendships that are prayer-less will quench, grieve and resist the Holy Spirit’s work. He guides you in truth as you pray together. Ask to be filled with the Spirit

Intimacy – If you step in faith you can grow in a shared intimacy with the Father. Your prayer group becomes a safe place to share deep issues of the heart and find healing together.

Encouragement – The prayer and support of friends is an important encouragement for all of us.

Love will focus on what is best for others and will be willing to speak the truth even if it is painful

Delight – you will find that these times of prayer can be refreshing and bring real joy.

SWORD – Centered around the word, these prayer times bring greater effectiveness in ministry

Here is a simple format to help you plan your time. Plan to meet at least once a week. Start with a minimum of 15 minutes. You will find that more time will be needed as you continue.

ScriptureRead or listen to scripture together. Start with this. Focus on a book such as Ephesians. Focus on one thought each time you meet.

Worship – Focus in prayer on the Glory of God. Seek to know Him. Move on into intercession

Obedience – Be honest about areas in your life that need to change. Pray that you will have grace to obey. Set goals together for growth

Reflect – take time to reflect on the last week. Pray that you will see what God is teaching you through the various experiences on board.

Discipline – Keep one another accountable as set goals for personal growth, serving the community, and witness.

Pray that God will lead you to the right people. Learn to ask one another out of the comfort zone questions:

  1. Have you spent regular time in scriptures and prayer this week?
  2. Have you had any tempting thoughts or exposed yourself to material that would not glorify God?
  3. Have you spent quality time with your family?
  4. Have you been careless with the ships property this week?
  5. Have you said something this week that makes others look bad?
  6. Have you had an opportunity to share the gospel this week?
  7. Have you allowed anything to rob you of joy this week?
  8. Have you taken care of your body this week including a good fitness program and opportunity to relax?
  9. What have you learnt this last week?
  10. Have you lied about any of the above?

Initially keep your focus in prayer. You will need more time to develop healthy accountability and growth goals as a Prayer friendship team. The Key is to stand firm in the Lord together. He is your Shield and Sword.

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