Thursday, 10 September 2009

They have arrived

Another 96 people joined the Logos Hope today. They have just finished a few days of Pre Ship Training. The dining room was full and vibrant with the conversations as new members joined the ship families.

Tomorrow night we will share in the prayer night. We have a deep sense of joy as we look back over this very remarkable season of ministry. Ann will share on Saturday morning and I will share Sunday morning about Moses' encounter with God.

Monday, 7 September 2009

A thought

"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." Gal 5:1

Modern day slavery traps millions of people in oppressive and serverly restricted lifestyles. We face all kinds of slavery - political, social, intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual.
As people of faith we believe in the dignity of every person. All are created in the image of God and the mark of the Creator is on thier lives. Our relationship with Christ brings us into a new freedom in life. The quality of our lives is defined by this relationship. It is not by what we have but what we are able to give to others that brings freedom.
As we face these many kinds of slavery in the 21st century, God's people can be true light and salt in society. We can live out our freedom by speaking for the oppressed and by taking initiative to see the Spirit of Christ bring transformation in individuals, communities and nations.
Pray that the people of the Caribbean will live out their freedom from slavery in such a way that it brings radical tranformation to lifestyle and brings an influence in communities that will lead to greater quality of life.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Esther and friend Anika, in a photo shoot

Mike and Ann enjoying some time out

Ann with the Prime Minister of Grenada, Tillman Thomas

When Mike was in Australia with his Mum a few weeks ago, Ann spoke at the official opening in Grenada and  met with the Prime Minister. He comes from the same region in the north of the Island and knew several of  Ann's relations. We thank God for the opportunity to have been in Grenada. We spoke at two marriage Seminar on shore in Grenada. It was helpful to listen to young couples explain their need for mentors as they seek to grow in relationship together.

Logos Hope

Meeting for Schools

Praise God for the opportunity to bring good news to children on the Logos Hope in the Hope Theatre. Pray that many lives will be transformed by the love of God.


We have enjoyed having Bernd and Margret Guelker (former CEO) with us in Tobago for the past few days. We have been able to reflect on the past and look at the future together. We are thankful to God for those who have helped us on our leadership journey.

This morning Han Teck from Singapore outlined an excellent internship program for the 96 people who will be joining the Logos Hope team. It is encouraging to reflect on the intelligent and strategic leadership that many have given in shaping the Logos Hope culture as they sought God for inspirational leading through His word.

We are thankful for many who have been responding to the gospel in these first few ports in the Caribbean. Training in the the gospel for Caribbean people is a strategic initiative.

Our daughter,  Rebecca will be joining us for a few days on the ship next week. We are taking time to pack, catch up on communications, and a little coaching  and mentoring of  the next generation as we have time.

Praise God for His gracious hand on the Logos Hope team at this time of transition.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Life on Logos Hope

Lloyd Nicholas, Bernd and Margret Guelker, Mike & Ann and Graham Jack - leaders who worked together over several years to help shape the vision for the Logos Hope

Friday, 4 September 2009

Jason and Parmesh preparing a great Indian curry on Logos Hope

Logos Hope deck 7 view of the fire works on Trinidad and Tobago Independence day on Monday 31st August

Commissioning the next generation

Prayer of commissioning for Gian and Eveline Walser as they take on the leadership of Logos Hope while surrounded by the leadership team and community.

A new generation of leaders

Gian Walser, holding the Bible passed on by Mike at the hand over of leadership for Logos Hope
Mike reading from a Bible printed in 1889. He read from the book of Joshua and passed the Bible to Gian as a symbol that while the leadership changes the unchanging word continues as the central guide to all ministry and life.

Ann and Esther

Our contact details


Thursday, 3 September 2009

Logos Hope

Who are the Dalits?

(from the Dalit Freedom Network)

One of the more confusing mysteries of India is her caste system. The caste system, which has existed for more than 3,000 years, was developed by the Brahmin (priest) caste in order to maintain their superiority. Eventually, the caste system became formalized into four distinct classes (Varna).

The Brahmins are the highest Varna and are the priests and arbiters of what is right and wrong in matters of religion and society. Below them are the Kshatriyas, who served traditionally as soldiers and administrators. The Vaisyas are the artisan and commercial class, while the Sudras are the farmers and the peasants. It is said that the Brahmin come from Brahma’s mouth, Kshatriyas from his arms, Vaisyas from his thighs, and Sudras from his feet.
Beneath the four main castes is a fifth group, the Scheduled Castes. The people of the Scheduled Castes are not part of the Varna system. They are the untouchables, the Dalit.

A Dalit is not considered part of human society, but instead is considered something less than human. The Dalits generally perform the most menial and degrading jobs. Caste rules hold that Dalits pollute higher caste people with their presence. If higher caste Hindus touch an untouchable or even come within a Dalit’s shadow, they must undergo rigorous series of cleansing rituals (See gomutra).

Approximately 250 million Indians (a full 25% of the population), are Dalit. In a country where everybody is supposed to have equal rights and opportunities, one out of four people is condemned to be untouchable.

Although the Indian Constitution guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms for all Indians, Dalit are systematically abused. Dalit are poor, deprived and socially backward. Their most basic needs of food, shelter, and safety are not fulfilled. They also cannot access decent education and employment. The systematic denial of their basic human rights results in a lack of education, food, healthcare, and economic opportunity, thereby keeping Dalit in perpetual bondage to the upper castes.

For more information:

Next Steps

We will be back in Adelaide at the beginning of October. Until the end of the year we will be on Home Assignment with OM ships. During this time we will be available to report back on our experience with the Logos Hope and to thank many who have participated with us on this journey of faith.

We do not plan to visit the UK but will be available to travel in Australia. Write to us if you would like to arrange a meeting. We prefer midweek meetings with small groups but we will also be open to ministry on the weekends.

We hope to work with OM Australia and have a passion to support the development of the Dalit Freedom Network in Australia. Dalit means crushed, oppressed and refers to the 250 million people in many kinds of modern day slavery in India today. More details can be found at:

Pray for Esther as she leaves the supportive ship community to re enter school in Australia. Pray for our daughter Michelle as she prepares to marry Dan Stevens on the 12th December in Adelaide.
Praise God for His provision and pray for the steps we now take to set up home in Australia for a season.

Our personal prayer:

Father, we are listening!
Son of God, we stand in awe of your work!
Holy Spirit, We experience your enabling and leading

A note about support:

In OM we rely on God to meet our needs through the generosity of His people - OM staff raise their own financial support. We'd like to encourage you to consider joining our financial support team as we take these next steps of faith to invest in the Kingdom of God.

We value your participation in our lives. Our desire is to see people grow and bear fruit. Our passion is God, and His gospel that sets captives free.

You can make a contribution online - click on or

If you prefer to send a gift by mail, please make your check payable to Operation Mobilisation and include a a note that the contribution is for Mike & Ann Hey. You can send this in an envelope to OM, The Quinta Weston RhynOswestry, SY10 7LT, England

You can make a contribution online (which is tax deductible for those in the USA). This payment system is secured and requires a minimum gift of $25. To use this method:

1. Go to
2. Select the first option (Give to support OM’s ministry through a person) and click Next3. Fill out the form as follows:Full Name: Mike Hey
Where they work: Logos Hope
Gift Amount: ________
Messages: __________Click Next, then fill out your contact and credit card information.

You can give via or send to 5 5 COURT STBOX HILL, VICTORIA AUSTRALIA

We appreciate your partnership and your interest in our ministry. If you have questions please contact us at

A unique presentation and our response

A unique presentation - Generator exhaust pipe

The ship community organised a special thank you for our season of leadership. Here is our response to a unique gift that they presented:

Mike with the Chief Secretary of Trinidand and Tobago, the honorable O. London

Giving thanks to God

Our season of ministry with the Logos Hope is coming to an end. We have helped to shape the ministry and build the community. We are thankful to God for His grace, leading and strength.

Thousands of people are visiting the ship every day here in the Caribbean. As they enter the airconditioned deck they are greeted at the life boat theatre with a welcome and introduction to the ship. Then before entering the Book fair they are left with a question about hope.

With 1.3 KM of shelves and 7,000 titles there is something for everyone in the Book Fair. Our best seller is still the ancient scriptures written over 1,600 years by 40 different people with a clear message pointing to relationsip with Jesus Christ.

After the Bookfair we have an area that will eventually be known as the Journey to Life. As well as a mini theatre we have been developing a walk through interactive area with clear good news themes.

Beauty - There is beauty in God's creation. Everyone, whatever their background has been given dignity, worth and purpose.

Broken - All of us have experienced brokeness in some form. When the masks come off we share a common pain, shame and guilt. This is the reality of the world that we all live in.

Hope -Our message is clear and at it's core is the need for forgiveness, healing and deliverance. This message transcends culture and can transform worldview. It is the simple message of the love of God.

After the journey to life area on this Deck 4 experience there is an opportunity to relax in the I-cafe, meet friends or chat with a member of the crew and share experiences.

The experiece can be expanded with the Hope Theatre. This can seat 417 and has already been a venue for some very motivational events.

We thank God for the opportunity to have been a part of shaping this vision and to have been involved in helping to build the culture of this unique international team. In a few days another 96 join to add value to the mission. They will sail from Trinidand with 400 people.

On Tuesday morning Ann and I handed over leadership to Gian and Eveline Walser, from Switzerland. Gian has worked with me for a number of year and I am delighted to see God's hand on his life for this next season of leadershp.

We will return to Australia to re-connect with our church and family. Our desire:

1. Listen to God
2. Worship Him
3. Obey His will

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Thank you for a great season

Bernd and Margret Guelker with Pauline Scott and Mike and Ann on the evening of a thank you dinner for Mike & Ann

Mike's Mum

Mike's Mum pass away on the 21st August. She is with the Lord. We thank God for the blessing that Mum brought to so many and for her clear witness to the love of Christ. Mum had a brian tumor and went peacefully to be with her saviour at the age of 80. Thank you for praying.