Monday, 30 August 2010
Pray for China
Prayer for the releif effort in Pakistan
We have two teams in Pakistan helping with the relief effort. Please pray for the Love of Christ to demonstrated in all that they are doing.
Northern Team
The team has travelled up the Swat Valley today, from where they drove a further 3 hours and finally walked for 30min to reach Madeen near Bahrine. The Assistant District Commissioner (AC) has met them and showed them the area and families among which they will distribute tomorrow. They have food packages for 300 families with them.
Despite it being Ramadan, the AC had arranged food for the team since they are Christians. He also made arrangements for their accommodation (a service not provided to other NGOs) and a vehicle with driver. The team was reminded of Jesus' promise that wherever we go, He will go with us.
Sindh Team
The shop that's been providing rations to our team gave us 13 packs from their own personal side. "We trust you guys," they said "and know that you will give it to the needy rather than keeping it for yourselves like others are doing." His contribution was totally unsolicited.
"Who are these guys anyway?" someone asked the team leader, "They do what they say they will do - not just give us false hopes about coming back with aid and then never show up again."
Monday, 16 August 2010
Christ's Agenda
Psalm 27:4
When we seek His person and presence while faced with the press of evil we can experience His provision of strength and protection and in prayer participate in His purpose.
As we help serve those working in OM across East Asia Pacific we have five priorities in our hearts:
1. Participate in a fresh mobilisation of God's people to bring good news to the un-reached.
2. Provide opportunites for disciples of Christ to be multiplied among the un-reached.
3. Help make a difference in the quality of life of those trapped in poverty and oppression.
4. Intentionally mentor and disciple leaders in Asia who will lead us in following Christ's agenda.
5. Manage our resources and systems with excellence in every aspect of the ministry.